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trying something new

12 Sep

I’ve been thinking…

I really love this blog and I love that it’s my first, but at the same time it isn’t exactly going in the direction I would like it to.

I want to blog for me. I want to remember the little and big things that happen. I also want to be able to write it in my own voice without worrying about what others will think. A couple months back my sister and I were talking about a post I had written and she said she had never heard me say a certain phrase that was in it. That’s because I never had. I thought people would like to read it, so I wrote it.

Not anymore! I have decided to stop writing on this blog and start a new one. It has been almost a week and I love the feel of it. I just write what I want… and that’s the best part. I feel more comfortable.

So, from here on out you can find me over at

The Daily Sarah Jane!

Thanks to all of you that have read this blog and wanted me to post more… hopefully you’ll like my new space too!


31 Jul

I know, you’ve all seen this, but it combines two of my all-time favorite things: Call me, maybe and  the United States Olympic swim team! I mean, seriously, how great is this?? 

I also am selfishly putting it here so I will forever and always know where to go to instantly find the link so I can watch it over and over whenever I want. 🙂

the olympics are here!

27 Jul




I’m not sure much makes me happier than the Olympics. 

Summer. Winter. It doesn’t matter to me. 

I know most people have favorite sports to watch, swimming, gymnastics, beach volleyball, but I can’t get enough of any and all of them. Yes, even rowing, badminton, table tennis. You name it, I’ll watch it.  

I may or may not have bought an antenna for my TV just so I could watch. 

I love me some Olympics!!


christmas in july

26 Jul

Guys. I have a serious wish list going on right now. I’m going to pretend like Christmas in July really does exist……. wouldn’t that be nice?!

1. Leopard Zipper Wallet Case by JAVOedge 

Apple iPhone 4 Leopard Zipper Wallet Case (Yellow)


2. Kate Spade watch “Seaport Grand” Beautiful. Just beautiful. Everything Kate makes is beautiful though. Like this and this and this

seaport grand


3. CuppowI use jars for drinks all the time. This would be so so convenient!


4. Audrey Hepburn canvas from IKEA. Or as IKEA has it advertised in the store Audrey Hepbum.

PJÄTTERYD Picture IKEA Motif created by Phil Handsley. The picture has extra depth and life because it's printed on high quality canvas.

Also on the list…

  • paint and a canvas.
  • an all expenses paid trip for two to an exotic location for 2 weeks.
  • a novel poster. seriously people, how amazing is that? I want this one.
  • a reading chair. sure, i have my couch and my bed, but wouldn’t a reading chair with a lamp behind it just be too perfect? 

That’s all. Just wanted to share my list 😉

friday letters

20 Jul

Dear Seal and Macy Gray, Can’t wait to see you two this weekend at Ravinia! I’m pretty sure I’m going to have just as much fun with you as I did with Lifehouse last year.

Dear people that complain about their job/boss publicly, I don’t understand how you feel comfortable doing this. How do you know someone isn’t going to see it and say something??

Dear Natalie, Thank you for your kind words over the last few weeks. You make me smile each and every time we talk/write/text 🙂

Dear Corey, I kind of want to hug you for minutes and minutes when I see you.

Dear Charles Bradley, Your station on Pandora is perfect for a Friday morning in the office. Work it.


My heart is heavy after reading about what happened in Colorado. These tragic moments are reminders to give one more hug, kiss, anything.

You just never know. 

music in the park

17 Jul

For the first time this summer Corey and I made it to Music in the Park. We went just about every Monday last year and it was so great to go again. We drank wine out of McDonald’s cups (because we’re classy like that), we sat close to each other on the blanket, laughed, moved closer to the stage, drank more wine, and watched some random guy do some pretty freaking awesome dance moves. 

Erin and I went to Music in the Park last Wednesday… I didn’t take any pictures, but she did 🙂

friday letters

13 Jul

peeta and katniss ♥

Dear new dress, I cannot wait to wear you!! And thanks for missing the belt when I went to buy you so I could get extra monies off!

Dear work week, Thank you for going by so quickly! I was positive it would take forever and it ended up flying by.

Dear sweet friends, Thank you for sending me lovely texts, emails, and calls after my post earlier in the week.

Dear Nicholas Sparks, Why does someone die in every one of your books? I just don’t get it.

Dear Friday the 13th, I’m not scared of you.

Dear Olympics, I CANNOT wait for you to begin!! I couldn’t care less that it’s going to be lovely summer weather… I plan on staying inside the entire 2 weeks to watch. All day every day. #USA!

Dear Katie, I’m sorry your marriage didn’t work out, but I’m glad you decided to dump Tom.

Dear Hunger Games series, WHYYYYY are you making me wait FOREVER until the rest of your movies come out?? I can hardly wait until August when HG comes out. #teampeeta


I don’t have much on the schedule for this weekend, but I’m pretty sure that’s exactly what I need. Here’s to a weekend of sun, laying out, shopping, sleeping in, reading, and maybe a glass of sangria (or 3…?) 🙂

let us lay in the sun and count every beautiful thing we see

11 Jul

I want to travel so badly I can’t think of much else.

Dusk, Piazza Navona, Rome Italy

I want to go home right now, pack a bag, and go somewhere… almost anywhere.


I want to experience something new.

Floating Lantern Festival in Thailand.

I want to try something scary.

El Caminito del Rey, Spain. I am adventurous, but I could never do this!

I want go somewhere nobody knows me.

Beacon Hill neighborhood in Boston... Lovely, in a word.

I have probably 8 trips planned in my head… all of which are just waiting to be gone on.


I want to bring friends with me, I want to go alone, I want to go with my family… I just want to GO!

gorgeous photo!

Wouldn’t it be so fun to have the time and resources to just hop in the car and drive across the country or go to the airport and jet off somewhere?

Lombard Street, in San Francisco

Dip my toes in the ocean, climb a mountain, eat amazing food, visit small towns and big cities.

Simple. Classic. Italian.

I’d love to fly away somewhere with my boyfriend, hold hands while walking down streets neither of us have been down before, and fall more in love with travelling and each other.



missing her

10 Jul

I’ve been in a funk. A missing my mom more than my heart can take funk. She loved the 4th of July and starting on the 3rd my heart began to ache. Badly. 

My mind can’t wrap around the fact that it has almost been 18 months. Almost a year and a half without her.

I don’t cry every day or even every week anymore, but I have cried every single day for the past week. I woke up this morning remembering the morning she went in for her first surgery. My sister spent the night at home with me the night before and we stayed up until probably 4 in the morning talking, watching movies, doing laundry… we just couldn’t sleep. My sisters and I walked down to surgery with my mom and I tried really hard to not cry, but I couldn’t help it. My mom held my hand, looked up at the doctor and said, “This is my baby”. 

I just miss her.

happy 4th!

4 Jul

4th of July
