Archive | October, 2011

You know what bugs me…

26 Oct

…forgetting the onion.

Seriously. I put onion in anything that is even semi-appropriate to put it in. I won’t eat it raw though, that just grosses me out. But tonight I got home from work and put chicken in the crock pot and forgot the onion. I’m a firm believer in not taking the lid off the crock pot after it is fully heated so it looks like it won’t have onion in it and that really bugs me.

Just thought I’d share.

What the world needs now is love, sweet love

24 Oct

I had a bit of a rough day at work on Friday and out of the blue, as I was falling asleep, I got this text from one of my best friends:

“I love you. I promise, no matter what, we’ll be friends forever”

I love you too, +H. Thank you for always making me feel very loved.

I can’t wait to see you in 96 days!!

Kids 1, 3 and 4

17 Oct

This weekend I went to SB to co-host Erin’s baby shower (post to follow) and got to spend a solid 24 hours with my three SB kiddos and loved every single second of it. It has been close to 2 months since I’ve seen them at all and probably closer to 4 months since I’ve gotten to spend much time with them so I was beyond excited to play with them, tickle them, ask them about school, tell them stories, and hug and kiss the heck right outta them.

As soon as I got to my sisters house I walked in to three kids that are at least 8 times bigger than the last time I saw them. Seriously, Joey looks like he’s a head taller than he was last time I saw him, Grace is a talking machine and Thomas is crawling/smiling/giggling like crazy. My heart melted as Joey and Grace ran up for hugs and Thomas snuggled up to me as soon as I held him.

How can you not instantly fall in love with this little girl? Her curly hair, contagious smile, and giggles that never end are exactly why I missed her so much. As I was leaving to come back to Chicago she asked me if I could show her the way so she could come visit me more. My heart melted.

Joey is one of the most physically active little guys around, he loves jumping, running, climbing, and playing sports, but when I asked who would give me hugs he was the first to run over and squeeze me tight.

Then there is this little guy. He is the most cuddly, smiley, giggly, crawly, happy, lovey little one I know. It didn’t matter to him that he hadn’t seen me in 2 months (25% of his life) he was happy to let me hold him and play with him from minute one. I can’t get enough of his little fingers and toes and making him laugh so hard he snorts.

They made my whole Saturday afternoon/night and Sunday morning fabulous!

P.S. Thomas really was happy when this picture was taken, I promise!

Movie night fail

4 Oct

Corey and I have been talking for months about watching Disney movies and a few weeks ago he suggested this outlandish idea. “What if we watched all of the Disney movies” …. “YES!” I thought… how fun would that be?! To say that we’ve watched ALL of them. So, right away I set out to see what google had to say about it and you know what it told me? There are 435 Disney movies that are currently out. As soon as we saw that we agreed that we love Disney movies and think it would be so stinkin’ awesome to say that we’ve watched every one ever made, BUT… no, thanks anyways.

It took us all of 12 seconds to agree that we would NOT be watching all of them, but would get together and make a list of the ones we wanted to watch and that would narrow down the list drastically. Well… easier said than done. We used our DePaul business degree knowledge and put the movies into an excel spreadsheet and went through them one… by one… by one… by one. Some of them were obvious that we wouldn’t keep (the 15 Air Bud movies, Mickey’s Once Upon a December, A Goofy Movie), then there were others that we had never heard of but added to the list because they sounded cool (Condorman [his pick], and The Love Bug [my pick]), and then there were the movies that were a complete and utter YES from either one or both of us.

After going through them a first time we narrowed it down to 238ish and decided that there were still wayyyy too many so we went through the list again. The second time we ended up with 148. Not too bad, right? We figured we’ve got plenty of time, years, decades, to watch them so we’d be all set. WELL…

Last night we were going to start on our list with Beauty and the Beast and to make a long story short… my DVD player wouldn’t work. F-A-I-L! So, that nixed our movie night. There were a few awesome things that came from our lack of movie movie-night… first, we realized that it would be hard to say that we’d watch even 1 movie a month and if we went at that rate it would take almost 12 years to get through our list (and that doesn’t even count other movies we might want to watch or that we have other things going on that keep us from our 1 per month). So we agreed to narrow it down significantly. As in, he picks his top 3, I pick mine and we pick 6 movies that we both agree have to be on the list. Go us!!

The second awesome thing that came from our lack of movie night was that we had to come up with something else to do and Corey came up with drawing pictures! I suggested that we draw each other pictures and somehow we agreed to both draw a castle for each other. I wonder if you’ll be able to guess who drew which one… haha, as if there would be any doubt.

Isn’t he sweet? He let me take up more than my fair share of the couch while we colored. 🙂

VOILA! Our masterpieces! I was positive that we would start to laugh when we saw each others drawings and honestly, we didn’t! 1. I knew his would be better than mine, and 2. He knew his would be better than mine, so there weren’t too many surprises with that. We spent the next stretch of time explaining our drawings and what each thing was… for example, the sharks in his picture have lasers on their heads and there is a hammock between two of the trees on my rooftop garden. (I would also like to point out that blue blob in the left corner of mine was my [sad] attempt at drawing a lake in the background… I tried)

We then spent the rest of our night sitting on the couch talking, laughing and trying to get each other to agree to watch movies that we have no intentions of agreeing to watch.

I guess movie night wasn’t such a fail after all. ❤